Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Titus & Philemon Online Blog Test


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? c. 63 ad
Who is Titus? a pastor at crete
Where is Titus at? Crete
What is Paul’s Main Point? (Write out scripture and reference)Titus 2:1 "Promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching."


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? c. 60 ad
Who is Philemon? A Christian slave owner/church leader
Who is Onesimus? his runaway slave who became a Christian
What does Paul say to Philemon? askes him to show mercy to his runaway slave

Rachel: In Titus 3 Paul urges the people to submit to authority and to be obedient and respectful. He also warns the people to bewarn of false teachings and teachers. He says that they are to warn their brethren twice then, if they have still not rerpented and turned from their wicked ways, they are to shun him from their community. He asks the people to welcome and encourage the men that Paul has sent to their town.

Titus 3 talks about doing what is good. He talks about how we should remind people to be obedient. And that we should always be respectful and ready to do good. We should also avoid foolish controversies and pointless aqguments. They are just foolish and cause sin so we should not be a part of that. As a Christian we should stand out and be a example.

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