Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Titus & Philemon BOOK Assignment

Read "How To Pastor A Congregation of Scum" on page 451. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What's the "one liner" in Paul's letter?"The people are all liar, cruel animal and lazy gluttons."
2) Who is Paul quoting? a crete writer
3) What is Titus' job in Crete? Pastor
4) The Island People are descended from? mercenaries, swine herders, and pirates
5) Though Cretans are spiritually sick, ...? they need Jesus the most

Read "Tough Love" on page 452. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What does Titus 1:12-13 say? 12Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." 13This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
2) What's Titus on the island of Crete to do? complete his and PAul's work and to appoint elders in each town
3) What's at the top of Titus' "To-Do" list? finding pastors for each of the churches
4) Who's Minos? the legendary ruler
5) What destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization? mysterious reasons maybe natural diasters
6) What happened in 67 BC? the romaes conquerered the island
7) Cretan pastors should? Be faithful to wives, good childre, not be arrogant or quiet temptered, not be heavy drinker, violent, or dihonest, enjoy guest and be able to teacher others about the christian lifestyle
8)What does Titus 1:11 say? Who's Paul referring to? false teaching is bad, false prophets
9) What does Titus 3:10 say? Who's Paul referring to? give a first the secnond warning but after that give up,

Read "Crete Critics" page 455. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who was Epimenides? What'd he say? Creten Prophet, the first quote
2) What does "Kretizo" refer to? it means "you lied to me!"
3) Who was "Callimachus"? What'd he say? a poet, Cretens are alll liars and they forsook God
4) Who was "Plutarch"? What'd he say? Greek historian, the Creten were very ambtitious about money but not much else
5) Each person in your group should read the book of Titus and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts about Titus? Your thoughts about Crete?
Lacey-Titus 3:15 Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace by with you all.

He tells Titus to establish the proper authorities and have them lead in a Goldy manner. he also condinally greets Titus as a friend and son

Read "A Favor From a Christian Slave Owner" page 456. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who's Philemon? Christian Slave owner
2) Who's Onesimus? his runaway slave
3) How does Paul fit into the mix? He convinces philemon to forgive his slave.
4) Each person in your group should read the book of Philemon and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts on Onesimus, Philemon, and Paul?

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