Thursday, November 19, 2009


The 12th chapter of Hebrews talks about the Discipline that God gives his children and the correct way that a father it to discipline his children. He tells us to fix our eyes upon him in order to stay the course. James goes on to talk about how a father only disciplines his children in love. If a father doesn't correct his sons he does not love them and is not following his duty that God has set before him to be preformed with all of his ability.
The verse that stood out to me the most is the fourteenth verse. "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be holy." I do not have the gift of sympathy and patience and they are two fruits of the spirit that I have to work hard to achieve. I falter and get upset at others and destroy the peace that was there. that verse is an encouragement to me to keep on towards that goal and the finish line as not to fail in my duty to the LORD. "For blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the Kingdom to God."
The whole chapter is a block on which to build upon on listening to the Spirit of God convicting you. He goes over the consequences and punishment that will be inflicted if you refuse to do what GOD was ordained you to do.

Hebrews 12 talks about God disciplining his sons. God talks about how he disciplines the ones he loves. This means that we should not be angry at our authority when they discipline us. They are just showing that they love us and want what's best. We should endure all hardship as discipline, because God is treating us as sons.
Hebrews 12 also talks about warning against refusing God. We should make all effort to live in peace with everyone. We should be a example to fellow Christians. We should be obedient to anyone who speaks of God. We should be very thankful for everything God gives us.
Hebrews 12 talks about good life lessons. That we should remind ourselves daily. God loves us and so do our parents there discipline is showing their love. This also says how God should be our encourage meant daily. This is my favorite scripture from Hebrews 12 " 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

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