Friday, November 20, 2009


Rachel: James, chapter 3, is the chapter that deals with taming the tongue and wisdom. the first parts about taming the tongue, explains that if a person controls his mouth he will have control over is entire body and vice versa. I mouth of the horse and the mouth of the human are both the deciding factor on what is in charge of your respective bodies. If a man controls what comes out of his mouth then he will have control over everything. A man who controls his mouth will never sin and will be perfect. the man that controls the mouth of his horse can control everything the horse does, whether it be running, turning or bucking. the one, whether God or Satan, that controls your mouth will rule your life.
The Second part of the chapter deals with tow types of wisdom. The first type of Wisdom is the form that comes for the God Most High. this wisdom comes from heaven and is pure, holy and considerate. This is the wisdom that the peacemakers have and strive for.
The second type of wisdom is the kind that harbors revenge, selfish ambition and pride. This type is harmful to you and those around you. It is earthly, unspiritual, and of the devil. if you horde this wisdom you will have discord and evil practice flowing through your life.

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