Friday, November 20, 2009

James 3 LACEY

James 3 talks about taming the tongue. We should choose all of our words carefully, especially Christians. We should use our tongue to rejoice in God's greatness. This teaches me not to say one thign and then another that means the complete opposite. Christians words are judge more than nonChristians because we are supposed to be a example to them.
James 3 also talks about the two kinds of wisdom. When we have selfish ambition in our hearts we are showing earthly wisdom. The wisdom from heaven is pure. We should have pure wisdom and show it to others. If we have earthly wisdom we show envy and disorder.
James 3 explains how we should not speak good of the Lord and then curse men. The scripture that stuck out to me was James 11. "Can both fresh water and salt[a] water flow from the same spring?" No man can tame the tongue only God. It is evil and full of deadly poison. God can only heal our tongue we must go to him.


Rachel: James, chapter 3, is the chapter that deals with taming the tongue and wisdom. the first parts about taming the tongue, explains that if a person controls his mouth he will have control over is entire body and vice versa. I mouth of the horse and the mouth of the human are both the deciding factor on what is in charge of your respective bodies. If a man controls what comes out of his mouth then he will have control over everything. A man who controls his mouth will never sin and will be perfect. the man that controls the mouth of his horse can control everything the horse does, whether it be running, turning or bucking. the one, whether God or Satan, that controls your mouth will rule your life.
The Second part of the chapter deals with tow types of wisdom. The first type of Wisdom is the form that comes for the God Most High. this wisdom comes from heaven and is pure, holy and considerate. This is the wisdom that the peacemakers have and strive for.
The second type of wisdom is the kind that harbors revenge, selfish ambition and pride. This type is harmful to you and those around you. It is earthly, unspiritual, and of the devil. if you horde this wisdom you will have discord and evil practice flowing through your life.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


The 12th chapter of Hebrews talks about the Discipline that God gives his children and the correct way that a father it to discipline his children. He tells us to fix our eyes upon him in order to stay the course. James goes on to talk about how a father only disciplines his children in love. If a father doesn't correct his sons he does not love them and is not following his duty that God has set before him to be preformed with all of his ability.
The verse that stood out to me the most is the fourteenth verse. "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be holy." I do not have the gift of sympathy and patience and they are two fruits of the spirit that I have to work hard to achieve. I falter and get upset at others and destroy the peace that was there. that verse is an encouragement to me to keep on towards that goal and the finish line as not to fail in my duty to the LORD. "For blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the Kingdom to God."
The whole chapter is a block on which to build upon on listening to the Spirit of God convicting you. He goes over the consequences and punishment that will be inflicted if you refuse to do what GOD was ordained you to do.

Hebrews 12 talks about God disciplining his sons. God talks about how he disciplines the ones he loves. This means that we should not be angry at our authority when they discipline us. They are just showing that they love us and want what's best. We should endure all hardship as discipline, because God is treating us as sons.
Hebrews 12 also talks about warning against refusing God. We should make all effort to live in peace with everyone. We should be a example to fellow Christians. We should be obedient to anyone who speaks of God. We should be very thankful for everything God gives us.
Hebrews 12 talks about good life lessons. That we should remind ourselves daily. God loves us and so do our parents there discipline is showing their love. This also says how God should be our encourage meant daily. This is my favorite scripture from Hebrews 12 " 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Titus & Philemon Online Blog Test


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? c. 63 ad
Who is Titus? a pastor at crete
Where is Titus at? Crete
What is Paul’s Main Point? (Write out scripture and reference)Titus 2:1 "Promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching."


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? c. 60 ad
Who is Philemon? A Christian slave owner/church leader
Who is Onesimus? his runaway slave who became a Christian
What does Paul say to Philemon? askes him to show mercy to his runaway slave

Rachel: In Titus 3 Paul urges the people to submit to authority and to be obedient and respectful. He also warns the people to bewarn of false teachings and teachers. He says that they are to warn their brethren twice then, if they have still not rerpented and turned from their wicked ways, they are to shun him from their community. He asks the people to welcome and encourage the men that Paul has sent to their town.

Titus 3 talks about doing what is good. He talks about how we should remind people to be obedient. And that we should always be respectful and ready to do good. We should also avoid foolish controversies and pointless aqguments. They are just foolish and cause sin so we should not be a part of that. As a Christian we should stand out and be a example.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Titus & Philemon BOOK Assignment

Read "How To Pastor A Congregation of Scum" on page 451. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What's the "one liner" in Paul's letter?"The people are all liar, cruel animal and lazy gluttons."
2) Who is Paul quoting? a crete writer
3) What is Titus' job in Crete? Pastor
4) The Island People are descended from? mercenaries, swine herders, and pirates
5) Though Cretans are spiritually sick, ...? they need Jesus the most

Read "Tough Love" on page 452. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What does Titus 1:12-13 say? 12Even one of their own prophets has said, "Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons." 13This testimony is true. Therefore, rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith
2) What's Titus on the island of Crete to do? complete his and PAul's work and to appoint elders in each town
3) What's at the top of Titus' "To-Do" list? finding pastors for each of the churches
4) Who's Minos? the legendary ruler
5) What destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization? mysterious reasons maybe natural diasters
6) What happened in 67 BC? the romaes conquerered the island
7) Cretan pastors should? Be faithful to wives, good childre, not be arrogant or quiet temptered, not be heavy drinker, violent, or dihonest, enjoy guest and be able to teacher others about the christian lifestyle
8)What does Titus 1:11 say? Who's Paul referring to? false teaching is bad, false prophets
9) What does Titus 3:10 say? Who's Paul referring to? give a first the secnond warning but after that give up,

Read "Crete Critics" page 455. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who was Epimenides? What'd he say? Creten Prophet, the first quote
2) What does "Kretizo" refer to? it means "you lied to me!"
3) Who was "Callimachus"? What'd he say? a poet, Cretens are alll liars and they forsook God
4) Who was "Plutarch"? What'd he say? Greek historian, the Creten were very ambtitious about money but not much else
5) Each person in your group should read the book of Titus and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts about Titus? Your thoughts about Crete?
Lacey-Titus 3:15 Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace by with you all.

He tells Titus to establish the proper authorities and have them lead in a Goldy manner. he also condinally greets Titus as a friend and son

Read "A Favor From a Christian Slave Owner" page 456. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who's Philemon? Christian Slave owner
2) Who's Onesimus? his runaway slave
3) How does Paul fit into the mix? He convinces philemon to forgive his slave.
4) Each person in your group should read the book of Philemon and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts on Onesimus, Philemon, and Paul?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Classwork 11-10-09

older Men-Self control, patience, make wise choices and earn the resoect of the younger people.
Older women-not bad mouth people or drink to much, they should mentor and teach young women
Young Men-learn from the Titus' example, kind and helpful
Slaver-try their bet t oplease thir masters
Roman Citizens-submit to the gov't, obedient and always ready to do good, be a shining light in the Roman Empire

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009 i thesssalonians

What convinced Paul to go to Greece? a nightime visitation
What does Acts 16:9 say/ come to macedonica and help us
Where was the first European church planted? Philippi
What's the Egnatian Way? Where does it bring him? thessalonica
How many miles does he WALK? 90
Where is Paul when he gets a report on the church in Thessalonica? Corinth
What are the "three main questions" of the church? 1.what to do about persecution 2. How christians shpuld behave 3. when is christi returning and what happens to the christians that die before

How many people lived in Thessalonica?100000
How was Thessalonica a "free city"? Rome granted it self the right to govener itself with out military occupation and gave them exception from some taxes
Who was Cassander? former general of Aleaxander
When did Romans capture the city? 167 bc
What's "Thessaloniki"? modern name

What does 1 Thess 4:3 say?God's will fro you is to be Holy,
What does 1 Thess 5:23-24 say? May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
What does Matt. 5:48 say?Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
What is holiness? (summarize the main points) 1. knowing what is right and wrong 2. a goal 3. description of God