Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Matthew Book assignment #1

a. Matthew was probaly not the first gospel written it was most likely mark
b. Gospel means "good news"
c. Malachi promised that God will spend a Messiah to fix Isreal's problems and bring peace and joy to the people.
d. Matthew declares, as he opens up the New testament, that the Messiah has come at last
e. Matthew convinces the reader that jesus is the Messiah by bringing all the OT prophecies and showing how jesus fufilled them.
f. Matthew wrote the gospel of Matthew around 70 AD

a. Family trees were like a legal document to the Jews
b. Jesus was a direct desendant of Abraham and and David of both sides of the family. The OT states the messiah would be of the line of david.
c. the genealogies in the gospels of Matthew and Luke are differnt and skip generations a and the one in matthew includes select women. Women are very rarley put in genealogies for they were considered not important.
d. He used common Jewish phrases in the book and related Jesus to the nation that Isreal was in Exodus.

a. the "eastern Lands" may have been the empire of Persia
b. The Wise men brought Frankincense, Myrrh, Gold.
c. Micah predicted that the messiah would come from Bethelem.
d. herod ordered that all boys two years and younger would be killed.
e. 6-7 BC.

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