Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mark Assignment #1

a. Mark is the shortest of the gospels.
b. John the Baptist baptising people.
c. John the Baptist says that someone is coming after him who is greater than him and will baptize them in the Holy Spirit.
d. He getting disciples healing and feeding people, baffling the scholars, calming the storms, walking on water, dying and coming back to life.

a. They reconized him because he sounds like a rabbi.
b. He gets Andrew and Simon and Peter to be disciples.
c. Fishers of men
d. He heard him call him the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
e. They work with the Roman force and many of them over charge and get very rich.
f. He hangs out with the "scum" of the earth.
g. Simon Peter, James, John, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Judus Iscariot, and Simon
a. It is not much bigger than a period.
b. A collection of ancient Jewish commintary
c. orchid seads
d. It starts small with just a few believers then they pass it on and tell people and there small group GROWS!

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