Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ephesians & Philippians Book Assignment

1. up beat letter
2. to live a life filled of love following the example of Christ
3. Paul
4. we cant
5. No lying, control anger, give generously, use nice language, be kind, and forgiving, stay away from sexual immorality, dont get drunk, fill yourself with God's spirit, and sing praise
6. fighting against satan
7. belt=truth, shoes=peace, body armor=righeousness, shield=faith, helmet=salvation, sword=the Word

Paul uses an example that would be quite familiar with the people in this place and time about the olympic runners. The runner will race for the insubastial prize and give his all in training and in the race to get it. How much more do we as Christians have to give when our prize is eternal as oppposed to a wreath of celery? Paul knows that the people will respond to this allegory and he uses it to speak to the people on their level.

We cant get detracted in our Christian walk with Christ we must ignore the discrations just like the runner ignore the corwds that are creering him on or booing him down. We also must bypass the devil's plans to twart us from reaching our goal. The prize for which we run in eternal life and that is the end goal for all believers and non- alike. This verse is an inspiration to all people in all things, not just our walk with Jesus.

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