Friday, October 16, 2009

Colossians Book Assignment

Read pp. 423-424 in your textbook. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
a. Why are Bible experts having a tough time figuring out what Colosse's problem is?
trying to interupt what's happenign on the other end of a one side phone conversation.
b. Who was Epaphras?
a minister

c. What's heresy? What kind of heresy is Paul talking about?
Heresy is proposing some unorthodox change to an established system of belief, especially a religion, that conflicts with the previously established opinion of scholars of that belief such as canon.[clarification needed] It is sometimes confused with apostasy which is disaffiliation from orthodoxy and blasphemy which is defamation of orthodox opinion. Mix and match religion

d. What's Paul's "Main Point"?
6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

e. Where is Colosse?
now turkey

Read "For Those Tempted to Demote Jesus" page 425. Answer the following questions and post them to your blog.

a. What does Col 1:15 say?
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He exsisted before anythign was created and is supreme over all creaition.

b. Why can't Paul visit Colosse?
too far

c. How does Paul begin this letter?
with a greeting that's typical of Greek letters.

d. What does Col. 1:16 say?
16For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him

e. Who was Jupiter? Mithra? Local spirits? How does this fit into Colossians?
-the top Roman god and chief of all the Roman gods
-Worshipped as a good spirit and ruler of the world popular among Roman soldiers and freed slaves and widespread throughout Turkey.
-like some African tribes, many Romans believe that spirits live in trees, rivers, fields, and mountains. Roman give offering to keep these spirits happy and wear amulets to protect themselves when spirits get upset.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Philippians 3:12-14

3:12 Not that I have already ēdē now, already
obtained lambanō to take
it or ē either, or, than
have already ēdē now, already
become perfect, teleioō to make perfect, complete
but I press diōkō to make to run or flee, put to flight, drive away
on so kai and, also, even, indeed, but
that I may lay katalambanō to lay hold of
hold katalambanō to lay hold of
of that for which ὅς hos who, which, what, that
also kai and, also, even, indeed, but
I was laid katalambanō to lay hold of
hold katalambanō to lay hold of
of by Christ Christos Christ = "anointed"
Jesus. Iēsous Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

3:13 Brethren, adelphos brother, whether born of the same two parents or only of the same father or mother
I do not regard logizomai to reckon, count, compute, calculate, count over
myself emautou I, me, myself etc.
as having laid katalambanō to lay hold of
hold katalambanō to lay hold of
of it yet; oupō not yet
but one heis one
thing heis one
I do: forgetting epilanthanomai to forget
what lies behind opisō back, behind, after, afterwards
and reaching epekteinomai to forget
forward epekteinomai to forget
to what lies ahead, emprosthen in front, before

I press diōkō to make to run or flee, put to flight, drive away
on toward eis into, unto, to, towards, for, among
the goal skopos an observer, a watchman
for the prize brabeion the award to the victor in the games, a prize
of the upward anō the award to the victor in the games, a prize
call klēsis a calling, calling to
of God theos God
in Christ Christos Christ = "anointed"
Jesus. Iēsous Jesus = "Jehovah is salvation"

Galatians Ephesians Philippians Blog Test

Who wrote Galatians?
Who was it written to?
When was it written?
50 Ad
Why does the author write Galatians?
to clear up confusion abotu Christianity;Faith in Jesus saves us not observience of Jewish Laws
Where is Galatia?


Who wrote Ephesians?
When was it written?
60 Ad
Who was it written to?
The Church of Ephesus
Where is Ephesus?
What does he write (2 main points)?
He praises them and reminds them that jesus is the sole source of Salvation


Who wrote Philippians?
When was it written?
Who was it written to?
The church of Philippi
Where is Philippi?
What kind of letter is this?
Fatherly letter

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ephesians & Philippians Book Assignment

1. up beat letter
2. to live a life filled of love following the example of Christ
3. Paul
4. we cant
5. No lying, control anger, give generously, use nice language, be kind, and forgiving, stay away from sexual immorality, dont get drunk, fill yourself with God's spirit, and sing praise
6. fighting against satan
7. belt=truth, shoes=peace, body armor=righeousness, shield=faith, helmet=salvation, sword=the Word

Paul uses an example that would be quite familiar with the people in this place and time about the olympic runners. The runner will race for the insubastial prize and give his all in training and in the race to get it. How much more do we as Christians have to give when our prize is eternal as oppposed to a wreath of celery? Paul knows that the people will respond to this allegory and he uses it to speak to the people on their level.

We cant get detracted in our Christian walk with Christ we must ignore the discrations just like the runner ignore the corwds that are creering him on or booing him down. We also must bypass the devil's plans to twart us from reaching our goal. The prize for which we run in eternal life and that is the end goal for all believers and non- alike. This verse is an inspiration to all people in all things, not just our walk with Jesus.